Gauteng en Mpumalanga 223 2025
Inskrywings Oop / Entries Open Inskrywings proses / Entry Procedures 1) Maak betaling volgens die aantal en klassifikasie van deelnemers. Lede R700 Familie en Juniors onder 18 R650 Nie lede R750 Gebruik u Lid Nommer Van en Voorletters as verwysing Make Payment according to the number of entrants per class of entry Use your Member Number + Surname and Innitials as your reference 2) Maak kopie van bewys van betaling / Download a copy of proof of payment 3) Doen aanlyn inskrywing en heg die bewys van betaling aan Ektra Braaipak R150 voeg by betaling en dui aan in notas. Extra braaipack R150, add to payment and comment in notes Do entry online and attach the proof of payment PLEASE NOTE: You have to add an email address to each entry, If it is a child you could use your email address and his birthdate for the ID. Please select the relevant setting under member: Yes = Member No = Non Member FM = Family Member (Family is a child, wife,husband or non-working student of a competing parent only) Step 1: Complete the form below.Please complete the form below to Pre-register for this event. |
What the SA Hunting Rifle Shooting Association is about Liga Jaargeld Registrasie en aansluiting 2025 - Doen dit aanlyn hier North West/Mpumalanga/GP .22 Rimfire/PCP Online entries open Noord Wes Bosveld 22RANDSLAG/PCP inskrywings oop Bosveld en NC Kimberly 223 Kompetisie inskrywings oop Gauteng en Mpumalanga 223 2025 Online entries open |