NW MP GP 22Rimfire 2025![]()
Inskrywings oop / Entries open Inskrywings proses / Entry Procedures
1) Maak betaling volgens die aantal en klassifikasie van deelnemers.
Lede R600 en Familie en Juniors onder 18 R550
Nie lede R650
Gebruik u Lid Nommer Van en Voorletters as verwysing
Make Payment according to the number of entrants per class of entry
Use your Member Number + Surname and Innitials as your reference
2) Maak kopie van bewys van betaling / Download a copy of proof of payment
3) Doen aanlyn inskrywing en heg die bewys van betaling aan
Ekstra etes / Extra meals
Ekstra etes + Hoeveelheid moet aangedui word in notas. Betaal R150 per ekstra ete saam met inskrywings fooi
Additional meals indicating in the notes aditional meals + Number. Pay R150 per ekstra meal with your entry fee
Do entry online and attach the proof of payment
PLEASE NOTE: You have to add an email address to each entry, If it is a child you could use your email address and his birthdate for the ID. Please select the relevant setting under member: Yes = Member No = Non Member FM = Family Member (Family is a child, wife,husband or non-working student of a competing parent only) Step 1: Complete the form below.Please complete the form below to Pre-register for this event. |
What the SA Hunting Rifle Shooting Association is about Liga Jaargeld Registrasie en aansluiting 2025 - Doen dit aanlyn hier North West/Mpumalanga/GP .22 Rimfire/PCP Online entries open Noord Wes Bosveld 22RANDSLAG/PCP inskrywings oop Bosveld en NC Kimberly 223 Kompetisie inskrywings oop Gauteng en Mpumalanga 223 2025 Online entries open |