Welcome to SA Hunting Rifle Shooting Association

Central Karoo Open 2024

Date: April 13, 2024
Venue: Rondekop Farm, Lainsburg
GPS: 33°13'08.5"S 20°51'52.2"E


  Inskrywingsgesluit  /  Entries closed

1) Maak betaling volgens die aantal en klassifikasie van deelnemers.

SAJSV Lede R500

Gades en afhanklike Juniors onder 19 R400

Nie lede R550



Gebruik u Lid Nommer + Van verwysing

Make Payment according to the number of entrants per class of entry

Use your Member Number + Surname and Innitials  as your reference

2) Maak kopie van bewys van betaling / Download a copy of proof of payment

3) Doen aanlyn inskrywing en heg die bewys van betaling aan

Ekstra middag etes vir die dag / Extra lunch meals for the the day

Ekstra etes + Hoeveelheid moet aangedui word in notas. Betaal R150 per ekstra ete saam met inskrywings fooi vir die dag

Additional meals indicating in the notes additional meals + Number. Pay R150 per ekstra meal with your entry fee for the day

Do entry online and attach the proof of payment 

Navrae kan gerig word aan 

Hennie Landman 082 510 4227

Henk van Zyl 082 563 8835

Pre Registration CLOSED!

General Gallery
SA Open 2017 223 Class
Gauteng Open 2017
Safari Outdoor SA OPE 2018
IHRSA 2018 World Shoot
SA Open and Top50 2019
Highlights of the recent SA open held in Joubertina 17-18 May 2019
Oos Kaap Ope 2019
Ko-OP Oos Kaap Ope 2019
King Price Namibia International 2021
SA Open 2021
International 15-17 September 2022
SA 223 Top 30 Championships 2023
2023 SA 223 Championships action and results.

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