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Safari Outdoor Cape Winelands Open Online entries open

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Montagu Ashton Tourism Association

24 Bath Street, Montagu, 6720, South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 23-614 2471 or (0) 23-614 2728

Email: info@montagu-ashton.info


Aasvoelkrans Jeanne Alston B&B 023-614 1228 082-872 3548 jeanne@aasvoelkrans.co.za

Abigail's Cottage Gail Ellis Self-C 023-614 3893 082-975 8049 gailellis@telkomsa.net

African Game Lodge Morne Postma S-C / Camping 023-614 3176 072-350 3924 / 079-497 2598 info@africangamelodge.co.za

Airlies Tielman & Corrie de Villiers G-House 023-614 2943 083-652 1976 info@airlies.co.za

Alpaca's Inn Yanic Klue Self-C 073-198 1956 073-198 1956 accommodation@klue-enterprises.co.za

Anchorage Inn Joop & Monica den Ouden B&B / S-Catering 023-614 3329 same anchorage@mweb.co.za

Avalon Springs Hotel Reception / Reservations Hotel 023-614 1150 same reservations@avalonsprings.co.za

Badensfontein Sankie Jordaan S-C / Camp / Caravan 023-614 2187 079-989 7241 info@badensfontein.co.za

Bobbejaankrans Thelma & Andre Mills Self-C 082-555 2315 082-555 2315 thelmamills@live.co.za

Connie's Cottages Harold & Connie Bruce Self-C 023-614 2001 083-271 6236 conniescottages@webafrica.org.za

De Bos Tracy Simmans S-C / Camp / Backp 023-614 2532 079-333 2437 / 071-462 8812 info@debos.co.za

De Erf Guest Farm Lillibit Jordaan Self-C 023-614 2216 072-412 8699 deerf@lando.co.za

Desert Wind Private Game Farm Leigh Swart Game Farm 021-863 1399 083-303 3532 info@desertwind.co.za

Die Ou Huis Wildeperdehoek Loure & Johanna van Zyl Self-C 023 615 1829 0726238275 or 0847467649 www.farmerredbeard.co.za

Doringlaagte Jim & Ronel Kriel S-C / Camp / Caravan 072-021 9069 082-319 5130 info@doringlaagte.com

Eenboom Game Lodge Colin Slessor Self-C 028-572 1922 / 1862 072-042 2835 info@eenboom.co.za

Excelsior Manor & Wine Estate Carin Visser Wine Estate 023-615 2050 082-823 6703 guesthouse@excelsior.co.za

Farmer Redbeard (Ashton) Patrizia van Zyl Self-C 023-615 1204 084-205 6166 info@farmerredbeard.co.za

Four Oaks Simon & Wendy Bernstein G-House 023-614 3483 084-525 4231 simon11bernstein@gmail.com

Fraai Uitzicht 1798 Lindi Louwrens/Uwe & Sandra PapeschWine Estate 023-626 6156 same info@fraaiuitzicht.com

Galenia Karin & Walter Jubber G-House 023-614 2514 same info@galenia.co.za

Goedemoed Laetitia de Villiers Self-C 023-614 1520 / 2790 083-660 8676 info@goedemoed.co.za

Glen Eden Farm Cottages Claudette Bricknell Self-C 071-100 2782 071-100 2782 glenedenfarmmontagu@google.com

In Abundance Guest House Hanno & Martley Calitz G-House 023-614 2099 083-285 3040 / 082-325 8872 info@inabundance.co.za

Inn the Orchard Don & Daph Thornton Self-C 023-614 3673 083-270 6502 / 083-254 9816

John Montagu Rene de Winnaar (manager) G-House 023-614 1331 084-513 2268 info@johnmontagu.co.za

Keisie Farm Cottages Pauline Self-C 023 100 0061 (Voib Phone) 023-614 2336 072-384 2551 info@keisiecottages.co.za

Klein Nektar Kai Daehnke Self-C 023-614 1048 083 273 6200 kleinnektar@gmail.com

Kogman & Keisie Guest Farm Petrus Jansen Self-C 023-614 3147 082-561 7818 info@kogmanandkeisie.co.za

Koo-Karoo Shirley Trafford B&B / S-C 023-614 1364 072-502 9190 info@kookaroo.co.za

Lappieslaagte Doortjie Gersbach Self-C 023-614 3284 072-672 6161 / 082-955 2674 rooidoortjie@telkomsa.net

Le Domain Cottages Melanie or Sanet Self-C 023-614 1632 082-829 8902 lapriere@ledomainefarm.co.za

Little Sanctuary Hilton Preston (manager) Self-C 023-614 1083 082-922 4592 bookings@little-sanctuary.co.za

Malherbe Guest House Mickey & Joop Meijer G-House 023-614 3617 072-554 5680 info@malherbe-guesthouse.com

Mimosa Lodge Bernhard & Fida Hess G-House 023-614 2351 083-777 3331 info@mimosa.co.za

Mirihof Olive Guest House Dawn Venter G-House 023-614 2512 082-928 7989 info@mirihof.co.za

Montagu Caravan Park Antonette Kotze S-C / Camp / Caravan 023-614 3034 082-920 7863 montagucp@gmail.com

Montagu Country Hotel Gert Lubbe Hotel 023-614 3125 082-899 3670 res@montagucountryhotel.co.za

Montagu Four Seasons Carina Joubert Self-C 023-614 1955 082-550 4177 carinas@telkomsa.net

Montagu Guano Caves Yolande Wolmarans S-C / Camp 084-553 4187 same admin@montaguguanocave.co.za

Montagu Manor Sherrill & Allen Castley B&B 023-614 1177 072-581 9441 montagumanor@mweb.co.za

Montagu Rose Ben & Deoni van Rensburg B&B 023-614 2681 082-451 1989 / 083-462 6899 benvr@lantic.net

Montagu Springs Holiday Resort Rob Gooderson Self-C 023-614 1050 same rob@singergroup.co.za

Mountain View Lodge Alain and Maud Somerlinck B&B 072-927 8635 same alainsomerlinck@gmail.com

Montagu Vines Anthony & Pam Townsend G-House 023-614 3812 082-924 2059 / 082-854 4588 info@montaguvines.co.za

Pepper Tree Barry & Ronel Preston Self-C 023-614 1633 083-250 3192 ronelpreston@breede.co.za

Protea Farm Cottages Pierre and Karen Burger Self-C 023-614 3012 083-958 5233 info@proteafarm.co.za

Qui-Si-Sana Willie and Christell Olivier Self-C 023-614 1474 078-322 6715 quisisana@lando.co.za

Rainbow Glen David & Tara Webster Self-C 023-614 1294 082-461 9813 info@rainbowglen.co.za

Ravenna Mountain Retreat Laresa Perlman B&B / S-C 023-614 1492 079-497 3392 info@ravenna.co.za

Rose Cottage Christa Sanford Self-C 071-409 1662 071-409 1662 info@rosecottagemontagu.co.za

Sanbona Shamwari Group Wildlife Reserve 021-010 0457 082-673 6344 reservations@sanbona.com

Simonskloof Jurgen Wohlfarter Mountain Retreat 023-614 1895 no reception info@simonskloof.com

Squirrels Corner Mike & Anne Steytler B&B 023-614 1081 071-267 3225 / 060-889 6631 bookings@squirrelscorner.co.za

The Barn Guest Cottage Annatjie Jansen Self-C 023-614 3380 082-574 1784 annajansen26@gmail.com

The Cricket House Paul & Caroline Whitehead Self-C 083-653 6290 084-080 8240 info@thecrickethouse.co.za / carolinesrawhoney@gmail.com

The Little Gem Janet Hampson Self-C 083-651 2507 083-651 2507 littlegemmontagu@gmail.com

The Secret Garden Larry & Rosa Hester B&B 023-614 2599 082-452 6678 / 071-185 6502 bookings@thesecretgarden.co.za


The Vineyard Country House Lauren Zarges & Louise du Toit G-House 023-614 3803 084-207 7888 info@thevineyardcountryhouse.co.za

General Gallery
SA Open 2017 223 Class
Gauteng Open 2017
Safari Outdoor SA OPE 2018
IHRSA 2018 World Shoot
SA Open and Top50 2019
Highlights of the recent SA open held in Joubertina 17-18 May 2019
Oos Kaap Ope 2019
Ko-OP Oos Kaap Ope 2019
King Price Namibia International 2021
SA Open 2021
International 15-17 September 2022
SA 223 Top 30 Championships 2023
2023 SA 223 Championships action and results.

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